Saturday, January 12, 2013

Waxing moon: time to make a vision board!

A beautiful idea that a friend of mine introduced to me recently was the vision board.  A vision board is  a great way to put your subconscious desires down onto a piece of card to hang above your altar or even at work (if you can get away with having a small one!).

A few months ago I was feeling really flat and a great friend of mine said that I needed to produce myself a vision board to set my goals and intentions and clearly see my heart's desire in front of me.  She grabbed a pile of magazines, pens and newspapers and we sat for ages talking, pasting and writing all over our vision boards without any conscious thought going into the process - like automatic writing.

Now that I've achieved all of the goals that I had down on my first vision board I'm now onto my second one following the new moon and into the waxing moon where intentions can be set alight and developed.

I can't recommend it enough.  I paste mine above my altar so that I can meditate on my goals and see where I have set myself for the future - which literally with pictures and powerful words to guide me.  These vision boards help to guide my workings in both low and high magick, so get started!

)O( Elspeth.

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